Site Audits


5.1          Site audits were carried out by ET on weekly basis to monitor the timely implementation of proper environmental management practices and mitigation measures on the Contract site.  The summaries of site audits are attached in Appendix J.


5.2          Site audits were conducted on 6th, 12th, 19th and 26th May 2020 for the Contract No. ND/2019/01 in the reporting month. For Contract No. ND/2019/06, Site audits were conducted on 7th, 13th, 21st, 28th May 2020 by ET in the reporting month. A joint site audit with the representative of the Supervisor¡¦s Representative, the Contractor, IEC and ET was carried out on 6th May 2020 for Contract No. ND/2019/01 while joint site audit of Contract No. ND/2019/06 was carried out on 13th May 2020. The details of observations during site audit are shown in Table 5.1.


5.3          During site inspections in the reporting month, no non-conformance was identified. The observations and recommendations made during the audit sessions are summarised in Table 5.1.



Table 5.1     Observations and Recommendations of Site Audit



Observations and Recommendations


Contract No.: ND/2019/01


Observations and Recommendations






Water Quality


Clear water regularly.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 26 May 2020.



Vehicles are not cleaned of earth, mud and debris before leaving the site.

Follow up action will be reported in next reporting month.


Water should be cleared regularly.

Follow up action will be reported in next reporting month.








Waste/ Chemical Management



Chemical waste should be labelled, put in designated place properly.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 6 May 2020.


Provide spill kit for all works area.

Item was remarked as 200506-R01. Follow-up action is needed to be reviewed.


Provide spill kit for all works area

Item was remarked as 200512-R01. Follow-up action is needed to be reviewed.


Provide spill kit for all works area.

Item was remarked as 200519-R01. Follow-up action is needed to be reviewed.


Provide spill kit for all works area.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 26 May 2020.



Chemical waste/oil should be stored properly in designated area.

Follow up action will be reported in next reporting month.






Landscape and Visual


Retained trees should be carefully protected. Constrcution materials should be cleared within tree protection zone.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 19 May 2020.


Screen hoarding should be properly maintained and provided.

Follow up action will be reported in next reporting month.





Observations and Recommendations


Contract No.: ND/2019/06

Air Quality


The Contractor should renew the NRMM labels on the regulated machines.

Improvement/ Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 28 May 2020.


Water Quality





Water should be cleared regularly.

Improvement/ Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 12 May 2020.


The Contractor should review the capacity of the sediment tank and location of discharge point.

Improvement/ Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 21 May 2020.


Sand and silt settled in drainage system should be removed regularly.

Follow up action will be reported in next reporting month.


Water in drip tray should be cleared regularly.

Follow up action will be reported in next reporting month.

Waste / Chemical Management


Chemical waste should be stored properly in suitable container at designated area and labelled clearly.

Improvement/ Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 7 May 2020.


Oil leakage was found from equipment.

Improvement/ Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 13 May 2020.



Implementation Status of Environmental Mitigation Measures

5.4          According to the EIA Report, EPs and the Updated EM&A Manual, the mitigation measures detailed in the documents are recommended to be implemented during the construction phase. An updated summary of the Environmental Mitigation Implementation Schedule is provided in Appendix K. The photographic records of measures as stipulated in EP to mitigate environmental impacts in the reporting month are presented in Table 5.2.


Table 5.2     Photographic Records of Measures


Environmental Permit No. EP-475/2013/A Condition 2.7

To minimise adverse impacts on habitats of ecological importance in the vicinity of the Project, 2m high solid dull green site barrier fences have be erected around all active works areas

Solid and Liquid Waste Management Status

5.5          Waste generated from Contract No. ND/2019/06 include inert construction and demolition (C&D) materials and non-inert C&D wastes. For Contract No. ND/2019/01, only general refuse had been generated during reporting month.


5.6          The amount of wastes generated by the construction works of the Contract No. ND/2019/01 and Contract No. ND/2019/06 during the reporting month is shown in Appendix L.


5.7          The Contractors are advised to minimize the wastes generated through the recycling or reusing. All mitigation measures stipulated in the Updated EM&A Manual and waste management plans shall be fully implemented. The status of implementation of waste management and reduction measures are summited in Appendix K.