Summary of Exceedances


5.1          No exceedance of Action and Limit Levels of construction noise in the reporting month. The summary of exceedance record in reporting month is shown in Appendix H.


5.2          Should the monitoring results of the environmental monitoring parameters at any designated monitoring stations indicate that the Action / Limit Levels are exceeded, the actions in accordance with the Event and Action Plans in Appendix G be carried out.


Summary of Environmental Non-Compliance

5.3          No environmental non-compliance was recorded in the reporting month.

Summary of Environmental Complaint

5.4          No environmental complaints were received in the reporting month. The Cumulative Complaint Log since the commencement of the Project is presented in Appendix L. 


Summary of Environmental Summon and Successful Prosecution

5.5          There was no successful environmental prosecution or notification of summons received since the Project commencement.  The Cumulative Log for environmental summon and successful prosecution since the commencement of the Project is presented in Appendix M.