Table 10.2       Observations and Recommendations during Site Audits



Observations and Recommendations


Contract No.: ND/2019/01





Contract No.: ND/2019/02

Landscape and Visual


To clarify the nearly fallen tree status.

Item Remarked as 220803-R01. Follow-up action is needed to be review.


Item Remarked as 220810-R01. Follow-up action is needed to be review.


To properly manage and maintain tree protection zone for retained / transplanted trees.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 19 August 2022.

Air Quality


Dusty material should be removed or covered entirely.

Follow-up action is needed to be reported in the following month.

Waste / Chemical Management


To provide drip tray for chemical storage.

Item Remarked as 220819-R01. Follow-up action is needed to be review.


Drip tray should be provided for chemical / fuel containers.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 24 August 2022.


Unknown oil should be avoided.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 24 August 2022.

Water Quality


To enhance mitigation measures to prevent surface runoff into the Sheung Yue River near 1.43.7.

Item Remarked as 220803-R02. Follow-up action is needed to be review.


Item Remarked as 220810-R03. Follow-up action is needed to be review.


To maintain water mitigation measures next to the water-filled barriers (geotextile & sandbags) at good functional condition.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 19 August 2022.


Enhance the mitigation measure to prevent surface runoff discharge to Sheung Yue River.

Item Remarked as 220824-R01. Follow-up action is needed to be review.


To enhance mitigation measures to prevent surface runoff into the Sheung Yue River.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 31 August 2022.

Contract No.: ND/2019/03

Air Quality


Dusty debris were observed at Yin Kong Road. Contractor was reminded to clear the dusty debris immediately.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 5 August 2022.


Dusty debris were observed at the site exit of Yin Kong. Contractor was reminded to clear the dusty debris immediately.

Follow-up action is needed to be reported in the following month.

Water Quality


To clear the wheel-washing bay regularly.

Follow-up action is needed to be reported in the following month.

Contract No.: ND/2019/04

Water Quality


Covering of stockpile is required to minimize the mudding runoff during rainstorm.

Item Remarked as 220811-R01. Follow-up action is needed to be review.


Item Remarked as 220816-R01. Follow-up action is needed to be review.


Item Remarked as 220824-R01. Follow-up action is needed to be review.


Follow-up action is needed to be reported in the following month.


To enhance mitigation measure to prevent muddy runoff during wet season.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 24 August 2022.

Contract No.: ND/2019/05

Waste / Chemical Management


Soil was observed at the slope surface (Portion 2) which will direct discharge to Ma Wat River. Contractor was reminded to clear the soil.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 8 August 2022.


Should enhance mitigation measures to prevent oil leakage.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 22 August 2022.

Water Quality


Sand bag barriers were not surrounding carefully which lead the leakage of muddy water. Contractor was reminded to clear the muddy water, place the sand bags properly and effectively.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 18 August 2022.


Enhance the mitigation measure to avoid muddy water discharging to public drainage and Ma Wat River. (Portion 2 and 9)

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 29 August 2022.


Enhance the mitigation measure to avoid muddy water discharging to public drainage and Ma Wat River. (Portion 9)

Follow-up action is needed to be reported in the following month.

Air Quality


Provide impervious sheeting for the stockpile of dusty materials.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 29 August 2022.

Contract No.: ND/2019/06





Contract No.: ND/2019/07



