

13.1     This Monthly EM&A Report presents the EM&A work undertaken in April 2022 in accordance with Updated EM&A Manual.

13.2     No Action/Limit Level exceedance were recorded for air quality, construction noise, ambient arsenic and landfill gas monitoring in the reporting month. One (1) Action Level and seven (7) Limit Level for DO, two (2) Action Level and four (4) Limit Level for turbidity, one (1) Limit Level exceedances for suspended solids of impact water quality monitoring were recorded. After investigation, all exceedances were considered non-projected related.

Contract No. ND/2019/01

13.3     Environmental site inspection were conducted on 4, 12, 20 and 26 Apr 22 by ET in the reporting month.

Contract No. ND/2019/02

13.4     Environmental site inspection were conducted on 6, 14, 20 and 27 Apr 22 by ET in the reporting month.

Contract No. ND/2019/03

13.5     Environmental site inspection were conducted on 1, 8, 14, 19 and 29 Apr 22 by ET in the reporting month.

Contract No. ND/2019/04

13.6     Environmental site inspection were conducted on 7, 14, 21 and 25 Apr 22 by ET in the reporting month.

Contract No. ND/2019/05

13.7     Environmental site inspections were conducted on 4, 11, 21 and 25 Apr 22 by ET in the reporting month.

Contract No. ND/2019/06

13.8     Environmental site inspections were conducted on 7,14, 21 and 28 Apr 22 by ET in the reporting month.

Contract No. ND/2019/07

13.9     Environmental site inspections were conducted on 1, 8, 14, 22 and 29 Apr 22 by ET in the reporting month.

13.10 No environmental complaint was received in the reporting month. No notification of summons or successful prosecutions received in the reporting month.

13.11 The ET would keep track on the EM&A programme to ensure compliance of environmental requirements and the proper implementation of all necessary mitigation measures.




13.12 According to the environmental audits performed in the reporting month, the following recommendations were made:


Air Quality Impact

·  To regular watering haul road;

·  To provide vehicle washing facilities with high pressure water jet at every discernible or designated vehicle exit point;

·  To maintain the impervious material to entirely cover the stockpile of dusty materials; and

·  To ensure all regulated machines displayed with valid Non-road Mobile Machinery (NRMM) labels.


Construction Noise Impact

·  To ensure compressor was operating with doors closed.

Water Impact

·  To review and implement temporary drainage system;

·  To prevent any surface runoff discharge into Sheung Yuen River, Ma Wat River or public road;

·  To provide sandbags or construct berm to prevent any outflow of muddy water from site area;

·  To ensure all vehicle clear of earth and mud before leaving site;

·  To ensure the drainage facilities would not be clogged with waste or sediment to avoid overflow;

·  To regularly check the condition of desilting materials for ensuring proper function;

·  To regularly maintain and ensure water treatment facilities proper operation and functioning;

·  To divert all the water generated from construction site to de-silting facilities with sufficient handling capacity before discharge; and

·  To avoid or regularly clear the stagnant water in drip tray;

Waste/Chemical Management

·  To dispose of general refuse properly;

·  To clear and avoid the oil stain at site area;

·  To provide proper storage area for chemical storage; and

·  To maintain drip tray for chemical storage well.

Landfill Gas Hazard

·  No Smoking and No Naked Flame notices in Chinese and English should be posted prominently around the construction site.

Land Contamination

·  Stockpiling site(s) should be lined with impermeable sheeting and bunded. Stockpiles should be properly covered by impermeable sheeting to reduce dust emission during dry season or contaminated run-off during rainy season. Watering should be avoided on stockpiles of soil to minimize runoff.


·  Properly erect and maintain 2m high solid barriers for protecting Siu Hang San Tsuen Stream.

Permit/ Licences

·  To display valid Permit or Licences on site entrance.