Table 10.2       Observations and Recommendations during Site Audits




Observations and Recommendations


Contract No.: ND/2019/01






Contract No.: ND/2019/02

Water Quality


Remove the stagnant water inside U-channel.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 6 April 2022.

Air Quality


Dusty haul road shall be watered regularly.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 14 April 2022.


Cement or dry pulverized fuel ash (PFA) shall be covered on top and 3 sides.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 20 April 2022.


Dusty haul road shall be watered regularly.

Follow-up action is needed to be reported in the following month.

Waste / Chemical Management


Drip tray shall be provided for chemical storage.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 20 April 2022.


Drip tray shall be provided for chemical storage.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 27 April 2022.

Contract No.: ND/2019/03

Waste / Chemical Management


Drip tray should be provided for chemical storage.

Item was remarked as 220408- R01.


Drip tray should be provided for chemical storage.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 14 April 2022.


Oil spillage inside site area at Yin Kong Road should be cleared immediately.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 29 April 2022.

Contract No.: ND/2019/04

Water Quality


To enhance the drainage system and the capacity of de-silting facility to prevent surface runoff.

Item was remarked as 220407- R01.


To enhance the drainage system and the capacity of de-silting facility to prevent surface runoff.

Item was remarked as 220414-R02.


To enhance water mitigation measure to prevent surface runoff to Ng Tung River. 

Item was remarked as 220414-O01.


Muddy runoff was observed nearly overflow within the sandbag bund. The Contractor was reminded to enhance the water quality mitigation measures (e.g. heighten the sand bag bund, cover the exposed slopes nearby etc.) to minimize the muddy surface runoff generation and discharging to the river. (Discharging Point 3)

Item was remarked as 220421-O01.


Although the sandbag bund has been heighten, the muddy runoff was still observed nearly overflow within the bund. The Contractor was reminded to review and modify the implemented mitigation measures to avoid the muddy surface runoff discharging to the river.

Item was remarked as 220425-O01.


To review and modify the implemented mitigation measures to avoid the muddy surface runoff discharging to the river.

Follow-up action is needed to be reported in the following month.


To enhance the drainage system and increase the capacity of de-silting. (Portion H)

Item was remarked as 220421-R02.


To enhance the drainage system and increase the capacity of de-silting. (Portion H)

Item was remarked as 220425-R02.


To enhance the drainage system and increase the capacity of de-silting. (Portion H)

Follow-up action is needed to be reported in the following month.


To divert the surface runoff for treatment at near Ma Wat River especially during rainy day. (Portion H)

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 21 April 2022.



The silt curtain should be properly surrounding the works at near bridge F and ensure it is intact.

Item was remarked as 220425-R03.


The silt curtain should be properly surrounding the works at near bridge F and ensure it is intact.

Follow-up action is needed to be reported in the following month.



The noise barrier along Siu Hang San Tsuen should be erected with no gap.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 25 April 2022.

Contract No.: ND/2019/05

Air Quality


Site entrance should be kept clean and free from dust.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 4 April 2022.



Dusty stockpile should be covered entirely by impervious sheeting.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 11 April 2022.



Dusty stockpile shall be covered properly by impervious sheeting.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 25 April 2022.



Valid NRMM label shall be displayed on regulated machine.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 25 April 2022.



Dusty stockpile shall be covered properly by impervious sheeting.

Follow-up action is needed to be reported in the following month.

Water Quality


Enhance water mitigation measure to prevent surface runoff.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 21 April 2022.

Contract No.: ND/2019/06





Contract No.: ND/2019/07




