Site Audits

10.1       Site audits were carried out by ET on weekly basis to monitor the timely implementation of proper environmental management practices and mitigation measures on the Contract site.  The summaries of site audits are presented in Table 10.1 and Appendix M.


Table 10.1   Summary of Site Audit

Environmental Site Inspection

Works Contracts






Weekly site audit with representative of the Supervisor¡¦s Representative and the Contractor

5th , 12th, 19th, 26th January 2021

6th , 13th, 22nd, 27th January 2021

8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th  January 2021

4th, 13th, 18th, 25th January 2021

6th, 11th, 21st, 28th January 2021

Joint Site Audit with representative of the Supervisor¡¦s Representative, the Contractor and IEC

12th January 2021

22nd January 2021

22nd January 2021

13th January 2021

11th January 2021


10.2       During site inspections in the reporting month, no non-conformance was identified. The observations and recommendations made during the audit sessions are summarised in Table 10.2.


Table 10.2 Observations and Recommendations during Site Audits



Observations and Recommendations


Contract No.: ND/2019/01


Observations and Recommendations


Air Quality


To replace the impervious materials for covering and sheltering stock of more than 20 bags of cement on top and 3 sides. (Portion 5)

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 5 January 2021.


NRMM Label was observed faded, Contractor was reminded to replace the NRMM Label.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 19 January 2021.


To avoid cement from extending beyond storage area for preventing dust generation. (Portion 8)

Follow-up action is needed to be reported in the following month.

Waste/ Chemical Management


Drip tray should be provided for chemical storage at Portion 8a.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 5 January 2021.


To provide adequate capacity of storage area with drip trays for chemical storage. (Portion 5)

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 5 January 2021.


Drip tray should be provided for chemical storage.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 12 January 2021.


Drip tray should be provided for chemical storage.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 26 January 2021.

Contract No.: ND/2019/02

Air Quality


Contractor was reminded to water the exposed worksites regularly to avoid dust generation.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 13 January 2021.


NRMM Label was observed faded, Contractor was reminded to replace the NRMM Label.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 13 January 2021.


NRMM Label was observed faded, Contractor was reminded to replace the NRMM Label.

Item was remarked as 210122-R01. Follow-up action is needed to be reviewed.


NRMM Label was observed faded, Contractor was reminded to replace the NRMM Label.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 27 January 2021.


Contractor was reminded to clean the road regularly.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 27 January 2021.

Water Quality


Contractor was reminded to clear the debris in channel.

Item was remarked as 210106-R03. Follow-up action is needed to be reviewed.


Contractor was reminded to clear the debris in channel.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 13 January 2021.


Contractor was reminded to provide sandbag to prevent surface runoff and waste water discharge into nearby water course.

Item was remarked as 210127-R03. Follow-up action is needed to be reviewed.


To prevent surface muddy runoff from entering nearby planting area.

Follow-up action is needed to be reported in the following month.

Waste / Chemical Management


General refuse should be disposed of properly.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 27 January 2021.


Properly clear the oil spillage from the generator.

Item was remarked as 210127-R02. Follow-up action is needed to be reviewed.


To avoid overlapping of chemical and provide adequate bund capacity for storage.

Follow-up action is needed to be reported in the following month.


Properly clear the oil stain from the air compressor.

Follow-up action is needed to be reported in the following month.



Hoarding was erected at part of active works area. Hoarding erection is still processing and will be checked and reviewed.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 6 January 2021.

Contract No.: ND/2019/03

Air Quality


Exposed worksite and haul road should be watered at least once per hour to avoid dust generation.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 15 January 2021.


NRMM Label was observed faded, Contractor was reminded to replace the NRMM Label.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 15 January 2021.

Waste/ Chemical Management


General refuse should be disposed of properly.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 15 January 2021.


General refuse should be disposed of regularly.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 22 January 2021.


Drip tray should be provided for chemical storage.

Follow-up action is needed to be reported in the following month.

Contract No.: ND/2019/05

Air Quality


NRMM label was observed faded. Contractor was reminded to display valid NRMM label. (Portion 6)

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 6 January 2021.


To keep public road near site entrance clean and free of dust.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 6 January 2021.


NRMM label should be displayed on regulated machines.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 13 January 2021.


NRMM label was observed faded. Contractor was reminded to display valid NRMM label.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 18 January 2021.

Water Quality


Avoid any untreated wastewater/muddy water runoff into nearby watercourse and site runoff should be directed to sedimentation tank before discharging.

Follow-up action is needed to be reported in the following month.


Contractor was reminded to regularly monitor the sedimentation tank to avoid overflow.

Follow-up action is needed to be reported in the following month.

Waste / Chemical Management


To store chemical containers at area with drip tray provided. (Portion 6)

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 6 January 2021.


The chemical waste container should be locked.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 13 January 2021.


Drip tray should be provided for chemical storage.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 25 January 2021.

Contract No.: ND/2019/06

Air Quality


To further enhance dust mitigation measure including watering for works area.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 21 January 2021.

Water Quality


Contractor was reminded to clear the mud regularly and prevent/ avoid any muddy water discharge into nearby watercourse.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 21 January 2021.

Waste / Chemical Management


Housekeeping should be improved on site.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 11 January 2021.



Dull green site barrier fences should be erected around all active works areas.

Improvement/Rectification was observed during follow-up audit session on 21 January 2021.


Implementation Status of Environmental Mitigation Measures

10.3       According to the EIA Report, EPs and the Updated EM&A Manual, the mitigation measures detailed in the documents are recommended to be implemented during the construction phase. An updated summary of the Environmental Mitigation Implementation Schedule is provided in Appendix N. The photographic records of measures as stipulated in EP to mitigate environmental impacts in the reporting month are presented in Table 10.3.


Table 10.3   Photographic Records and Implementation Status of Measures

EP No.


Photographic Record

Implementation Status




To minimise adverse impacts on habitats of ecological importance in the vicinity of the Project, 2m high solid dull green site barrier fences shall be erected around all active works areas.(Figure 10)




c6beaddd-a045-4db0-8baf-7aea761afc17 eca0267a-fe01-41fa-b51d-c9b79c177d9e

To minimise adverse impacts on habitats of ecological importance in the vicinity of the Project, 2m high solid dull green site barrier fences shall be erected around all active works areas.(Figure 12)





To minimise adverse impacts on habitats of ecological importance in the vicinity of the Project, 2m high solid dull green site barrier fences shall be erected around all active works areas.(Figure 12)




 IMG_9434 IMG_9440

To minimise adverse impacts on habitats of ecological importance in the vicinity of the Project, 2m high solid dull green site barrier fences shall be erected around all active works areas.(Figure 14)





To minimise adverse impacts on habitats of ecological importance in the vicinity of the Project, 2m high solid dull green site barrier fences shall be erected around all active works areas.(Figure 15)


Implementation status:

^         Mitigation measure was fully implemented

*         Observation/reminder was made during site audit but improved/rectified by the contractor

#         Observation/reminder was made during site audit but not yet improved/ rectified by       the            contractor

X        Non-compliance of mitigation measure

¡P         Non-compliance but rectified by the contractor

N/A   Not Applicable at this stage as no such site activities were conducted in the reporting            period

[1]:       Barrier fences might be subjected to change according to phasing plan designed at detailed design stage


10.4       Under EP-467/2013/A (Condition 2.9), to minimise adverse impacts on habitats of ecological importance in the vicinity of the Project, 2m high solid dull green site barrier fences shall be erected around all active works areas. As the Works programme under above EPs were still under preparation work and the barrier fences erection was still progressing in the Reporting Month, 2m high solid dull green site barrier fences will be checked once in place. The Hoarding Plan of the above EPs is shown in Figure 11.

Solid and Liquid Waste Management Status

10.5       Waste generated from Contract No. ND/2019/01, ND/2019/02, ND/2019/03, ND/2019/05 and ND/2019/06 include inert construction and demolition (C&D) materials and non-inert C&D wastes in the Reporting Month.


10.6       The amount of wastes generated by the construction works of the Contract No. ND/2019/01, ND/2019/02, ND/2019/03, ND/2019/05 and ND/2019/06 during the reporting month is shown in Appendix O.


10.7       The Contractors are advised to minimize the wastes generated through the recycling or reusing. All mitigation measures stipulated in the Updated EM&A Manual and waste management plans shall be fully implemented. The status of implementation of waste management and reduction measures are summited in Appendix N.